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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Busy times
2001-12-09 @ 10:06 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

So I lost my tape measure. Kinda pisses me off. Last week I forgot to measure myself and here I am looking all over my place for my tape measure. So I have no new numbers to report. The only thing I have is yesterday when I was swimming I had the nerve to stand on the scale in the lockerroom. At the beginning of the summer I wieghed in around 205. At the end of the summer I was right around 200 but I felt like I gained some since then. Well, I weigh 184 pounds as of yesterday. Pretty good eh? I think so. My waist is starting to re-appear and that's a big goal for me. Hopefully, it will show itself in full by April or so. I do not want to focus on my mass because that's pointless. I'm going to continue to eat better and walk more and swim as much as I can and just be "better".

So the boy front. *sigh* He and I have been getting all close again. But in that great friends way. We've been spending more and more time together and getting along better and better and it's starting to freak me out. He and I have starting going to the bar by ourselves and just sitting around talking about serious things like where to live when it's time to raise a family and what religion to raise kids in and other marriage/kids topics. Then there was this past Thursday. He normally won't catch me completely off guard when we're talking but while we were sitting talking about video games and kids, he blurted out that we'd be great parents and be great married. How the heck am I supposed to deal with that!?!? We've been apart since April and before we split up things were kinda rocky and now we're friends again -- good friends, and he's talking marriage and not in the "oh whoever I marry and whoever I have kids with" it's the married to you and our kids. That's when we started talking about our relationship -- where it's been and where it's going. He begged me to forgive him for hurting me before. He expressed how happy he was that we've remained friends because we can talk to each other and work great together. And I sat there going we can't get back together but I totally agree and I so forgive you. *sigh* We hugged. I forgave him. We're friends. He kissed me. And I kissed him back. But we aren't getting back together.

There was a big party here last night. Ratio was easily 8-1 guys to girls. I felt wonderful and I looked great. Totally in my prime. Housemate's friend was here early helping set up the music and roll the keg in. Nice guy, not bad looking -- he told me that I looked great. We talked a good portion of the night -- lots of flirting. Possibility of a thing? I don't know. I'm very willing to find out though. There is no way I'm going to wait around for HIM. This other guy could be good fun for a while if not more. *shrug* I don't even know for certain if he's interested, it just felt like he was.

We'll see what happens tomorrow. Time to drink another glass of water and get some beauty sleep. I think I need it tonight.