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Motivation & Observation
17 December 2002 @ 11:48 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

My tummy hurts. It's been upset all day. I blame nerves, lack of snow, and a big Oreo binge last night and this morning. But it's supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow and well, you can't binge on Oreos everyday.

Two exams today - both went incredibly well in my humble opinion. One more tomorrow... I think I should have studied more for it. Not feeling very confident at all. I spent about 4 hours in my favorite hiding place tonight trying to read pages upon pages on English History. Actually pretty interesting stuff if the idiot professor wasn't in the picture. Strange how the professor makes all the difference in how much I enjoy a course. It really has nothing to do with the subject - I excel only in classes when I feel motivated to go. I just hope my courses next term have decent instructors. I know one of them and am looking forward to it. It's the other three that worry me...

So much on my mind right now. It's hard to put into words. Mostly from my observations of others who go to my hiding place and their interactions. Definitly an observer in life, I am.