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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

White Christmas
25 December 2002 @ 10:44 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Merry Christmas!

Christmas with my family is always an adventure. This year we traveled to my Aunt's new home - what a change from the norm! The house is actually large enough for all fifteen of us. But it isn't just the physical space... families such as mine need mental space as well. Certain members just can't handle being around each other for such long periods of time. Fairly typical family, right? I think so. Typical matriarchal midwestern rural family. They all get so excited to see me, as if I'm the longlost person. Though I guess I am, being I only see them twice a year. But well, I still don't quite feel comfortable around all of them.

Then my grandmother and aunts started asking about him. Again. They want to know why we aren't dating if all we do is talk to each other and spend as much time together as possible. I am completely unable to answer their questions because I have been asking myself the same question off and on for years. Hell, he even called last night randomly - used the line "You called me, I have a message from you on my voice mail" when I haven't left a message in about a month. Eh, I'll think about that later.

But then I had the dream this morning. Oh, what a dream. My first dream about the Bass Player. Nothing sexual, mind you, but a good friendly dream. The others who were in it made no sense to me - so incredibly random! From my best friend's ex to a longlost Scout friend to Bass Player to a current housemate. But it was good and I woke up with a smile on my face and his smile in my mind. Such a good sign - means maybe I am really ready to move on and approach this guy. Make it more than just a visual crush.

Plus it snowed today! It never snows this much around here. . . but I love it. All day the family commented on how I should feel right at home - and for that aspect I did.

Snow, good dreams, decent family time, plenty fo food, and gifts for all. Been an all over good day.