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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Circle Game
30 December 2002 @ 11:10 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Home again. And confused as hell.

I spent just over three days at J's place. Friday night he threw the "talk" at me. I still don't know exactly where that came from. Totally out of the blue.

Saturday was hockey. Great hockey. Plus the joy of being with friends I hardly ever get to see as well as politic a bit within the Fraternity. I'm too good at playing politics. Too bad those I play with never knows what hits them when I'm done.

Anyway, before the hockey on Saturday he and I went around to different stores and got to play house. Visited my grandparents together, went to a "organize everything including your stright pins" store, grocery shopping, etc. Came straight home after hockey that night to just fall asleep peacefully. So nice.

Sunday was more hockey. *swoon* I love hockey. Dinner with everyone that evening to celebrate coming in fourth place in the tourney. (only 4 teams in it, but hell, anything to celebrate with Greek food and wine) Afterwards, J and I walked out arm in arm straight back to his place for more wine and two movies. Talked more.

I am still single. And I'm ok with that.

In fact, I feel relieved in a way. Almost like I have the permission and confidence to move on. I started thinking about the Bass Player on the drive back up here. And that I think I am ready now to take the next step and get back to being the bold woman I know I am.

Completly different note . . .

The rise in "random" mini-terrorist attacks is beginning to confirm my thoughts that the Middle-Eastern religious war is about to come to a head. Islamic/Arab ideals vs. Judeo-Christian/Western morals. They've kicked each others asses many times over the last 2500 years. Why stop now? I hear that the US is beginning to prepare the military for out and out war. Well, let's look back at history: we are in a recession, what better to bring us out than a good ol' World War? It's been a while since the Islamic world (or anyone) has gone after world domination - why not now?

I guess I'm too much of a people/society watcher to be against wars and movements like this. Everyone is just following the normal cycles of the world. It's like a big merry-go-round. . . hrmm. . . the song "Circle Game" just popped into my head

and the seasons, they go round and round

and the painted ponies go up and down

we're captives on the carosel of time

we can't return, we can only look behind from where we came

and go round and round and round in the circle game

currently reading: Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind

currently listening: Elastica - Elastica