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Work and Neckrubs
07 January 2003 @ 1:45 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

My muscles all really ache tonight. I assume its due to the huge strain my mind has been under since Sunday evening.

I feel as though my contemplation of relationships is becoming tiring. That my analyzing of everything will not change it.

Ugh. Anyone give good neckrubs out there?

Anyway, today I worked all day. I had hoped that by working all week it would prevent boredom as well as help pay the bills for the upcoming months. Money, yes. Boredom, came flooding in.

I'm sorry, but database creation and entry is NOT my chosen career. Sure I am quick and precise, but no thank you. I love the theatre and work my buns off helping it to succeed. But don't make me do database entry for a new mailing list another minute. I pray that tomorrow is better. More exciting.

Besides, if I keep busy at work I won't be so lonesome and cold at home. I'll cherish my time with my couch and crocheting. Right?

currently reading: Blood of the Fold - Terry Goodkind

currently listening: Mix Slow Jazz CD (homemade)