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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

More simple things
14 January 2003 @ 10:50 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Overall, a fantabulous day. Filled with several simple, little things that made me smile with each. And now here they are, so I may remember them forever, and cherish them tomorrow:

*went up to the next belt loop without realizing I had lost weight

*fresh snow for an early morning stroll

*proof of a sound decision

*a professor with fantastic facial expressions

*Radiohead's "Optimistic" on the radio

*earning a 97/100 on a diary review

*new calendar for the kitchen

*Chicken Noodle Soup for dinner

*it's STILL snowing

*ability to go to snuggle up into bed with my book early

*knowing I don't have class tomorrow



I also hope that those who are reading this remember their own simple things and dreams. In fact, sign my guestbook or send me Clix Love and let me know what those simple things are!


currently reading: Blood of the Fold - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: Relax Tracks station by Netscape Radio