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Hosted by DiaryLand.

Drunken Depression
01 February 2003 @ 11:12 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Beer-induced dreams frighten me. They are never realistic nor are they ever close to how you feel (or at least think you feel). Then you forget them as soon as you wake. Kinda pisses me off. All I remember is a Coca-cola can, Chewba and the highway that's outside my window. And it was winter time.

More depressed this morning than I have been over these last few days. I blame the settling into the lonliness and the slight hangover. The upbeat punk music isn't helping this morning, either.


Called J this morning, but he was just leaving to head to some store clearance event or whatnot so he couldn't talk. I have a feeling that today will not be a productive one. All I want to do is call up everyone I haven't heard from in a week or so.

currently reading: Temple of the Winds - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: 90s Indie station of Radio Netscape