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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Some days are better than others...
11 February 2003 @ 12:53 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Somedays everything just does a 180, if only for the day.

I have already heard back from three of the landlords I contacted today. *beams* Two one-bedroom, ground floor apartments found! Both are a little above the pricerange I was hoping for, but I plan on going to take a look at them next week. I still have a few other places to hear back from.

J will be here soon. I can't stop thinking about him. He's my "sanity stick" - someone I can lean on but who isn't afraid to beat me when I get stupid and cranky about things. Just having someone around to talk to about real things instead of the television and cranky parking spots.

Also had a call from Bubbles this afternoon. *sigh* I miss her terribly. It isn't fair that she lives like 1500 miles away. She had to call and brag about her newest pranks. God she's great at them.

But the best part about today, is that I finally have a Little Brother! She will forever be referred here as The Little. After four years, I finally have one. It's about fucking time. The Little seems to be promising too. She, and all her little pledge brothers, are going to be a nice change of pace around here for a while.

Ahh, fresh meat. *evil sorceress cackle*

I'm in a good mood. Don't know if it's the caffeine, techno music, or just the decent events of the day. Maybe a combo of the three. Snowed today too. It's a real heavy dry snow that is sticking to all the evergreens. The streetlights make them all glow this eerie orange. It's absolutly beautiful. The street is all quiet and peaceful in the orange glow. So nice to have that, for a change, instead of the howling violent winds ripping down the streets.

Carnival starts officially soon. Let's hope that I get enough sleep between now and Wednesday to make up for Wednesday - Sunday. But I'm pumped. Nothing, not even the judgemental housemate, can ruin this carnival for me.

currently reading: Temple of the Winds - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: Brand new techno/trance/house MP3 list