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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Travelling Nowhere
24 February 2003 @ 1:58 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Drug-induced insomnia. Makes no sense considering all three of the medications I was given have the "MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS" warning on them.

Bah. My stupid body.

The bruise has changed shape. So it's time for a new ink-blot test. Tonight I see... an old-fashioned tea-kettle. Colors are becoming vibrant too. Reds, blues, violets, and even some shades of yellow are beginning to appear. All surrounding a little white strip that is the old surgery scar.

Fancy, eh?

I realized this evening that I have plane tickets to North Carolina for Thursday of this week. It's my trip down to a conference that I really do need to be at for the Fraternity. Let's take a look at this - my back is fucked to put it bluntly. I have an MRI scheduled for Tuesday evening, it takes about 2 days to have an MRI developed and read, then a doctor's appointment to compare the new one to the old ones, then the decisions from there. Two days after Tuesday is Thursday. My flight leave at 6:00am Thursday.

I see a problem here.

Plus, I was planning on travelling alone and then being picked up by a friend at the airport in NC. Flying with a bad back is nuts already - but alone? What happens when I fall on my butt at the airport? Who carries my bags? What happens if I go into one of the panic attacks during a layover?

So now I get to call the airline and beg for a voucher to replace my $274 ticket. I can't afford to outright lose that money. Let's hope that it works out.

But then there's the matter of the conference. I have meetings that I need to be at, votes I need to make, etc etc etc. So who do I chose as a proxy for me?

Plus, I was planning on visiting Bubbles while I was down there. Haven't seen that crazy blonde in over a year. We had big plans for the 24-hour period I was going to be in town. Now what?

Hell, I haven't even told her I fell yet. How do you break it to the person who took you to your treatments first time around that you have to go through it all again? I want her here more than anything because she knows what to do. She was here through it all. We lived together then.

Goddamnit I miss her. And now I won't be able to visit her this weekend.

I hate my back. I hate my body. I hate that I had these great plans for a mini-vacation and now I'll be in the hospital instead. I hate that the choice was taken away from me.

currently reading: Soul of the Fire - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: the radio