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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Dealing with Today
28 February 2003 @ 11:01 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

The sun shined all day. Two of the housemates are gone, third was hardly home today. Just had a fag. Haven't had one in like a week.

Mentally, I'm doing really well. Crazy, eh? Physically. . . I have no idea. Numbness hasn't spread. Wound up with minor shin splints this evening. I have no idea why.

I have a feeling that my lower body is beginning a civil war against the upper portion. Just for kicks. I certainly hope the upper body kicks ass, so to speak.

Picked up some new cards for my fellow FGs today. Silly little $0.50 cards with little aliens on them. I need to let them know how much I miss them. And the $0.87 that it takes to send the two domestic ones is incredibly cheap compared to the 2 hour phone call I know would ensue if I dialed their digits.

Also found the energy to tackle the kitchen. It was horribly trashed as I wasn't able to take care of anything for basically the last two weeks. But the domestic goddess in my struck again and it sparkled within about 20 minutes.

That's right, 20 minutes to turn that mess into a usable, presentable, kitchen. So why on earth is it ALWAYS messy? Do the other kids just not realize that responsibility comes with living in a house? Are they not proud of their home? Do they not feel accomplished for surviving on their own? College living is a right of passage for our society - one that two of the three housemates are going to fail miserably and be forced to be adolescants for the next fifteen years.

I'm glad now that I didn't have to deal with the stress of travel. Looking at the big picture, a week here alone is a much better prescription for myself than a week jaunting around North Carolina and Virginia.

currently reading: Soul of the Fire - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: Liz Phair and more Liz Phair