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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Lines & Pipes
06 March 2003 @ 3:40 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Is it possible to live without water for 24 hours?

Well, I'm about to find out. Why? Because my pipes froze. Again. Did I notice it this morning? No. . . because I took my shower last night and was too groggy to notice there was little to no water when I ran the brush over my teeth. Come home at lunch to grab a bite to eat and there's nothing coming from the pipes.

Silly -20 F weather. And that's with the sun out. Looking outside you'd think it was gorgeous out. Bright blue skies, sunny, snow is sparkling. Then you step outside and your nose hairs immediatly freeze. It hurts to breathe without a scarf. And it freezes everyone's pipes - including mine.

I taught all day today. I love teaching to groups like that - blue collar, hard working men in their 30s - 60s with excellent senses of humor. One of the younger ones was even decent looking - but I forgot to look for a wedding band. Oh well. I think they enjoy having someone like me in their presence - young, redhead, and can feed the lines right back at them. Heck, I even sat down for a hand of 5 card over lunch. God bless electricians and line-men.

Same is lined up for tomorrow. I'm actually looking forward to it. I love teaching, not because CPR and First Aid is the most entertaining subject, but because of the people.

Now to figure out how to unthaw these pipes. . .

currently reading: Soul of the Fire - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: the radio