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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Happy Birthday, Ladies!
09 March 2003 @ 3:40 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Happy Birthday to Girl Scouts everywhere!

That's right, the organization which is my life turns 91 this week.

If I were going out, I'd be certain to wear my antique ring, but since I'm not, I'll just say I would. The ring which means so much to me - given as a present from an elderly friend right before she died. I still remember her pulling me into her kitchen that autumn day. She hands me a small box and says that the ring inside was given to her as she bridged to Girl Scouts back in the 1920s. A small silver ring with the GS Trefoil emblazoned on the front. It hardly fits my pinky finger, but I wore it proudly. She also handed me the gold Trefoil she was given when she became a troop leader in the 1940s. That trefoil quickly replaced the small brass one I wear on my uniform to this day.

This is our week, ladies. 91 years of promoting equality, learning, sisterhood, and willpower. 91 years of showing girls all the world has to offer so they may choose their own life paths. 91 years of allowing girls to grow strong.

I lift my glass to toast Juliette "Daisy" Gordon-Low and all those millions of scouts and guides around the world who follow in her footsteps.

Days of Girl Scouting will fly away, die away
Days of true friendship will be memories
We have loved, we have learned, let us now teach in turn
That the flame we have kindled forever shall burn.

All of our footsteps will fade away, fade away
Others will follow the paths we have trod
With out hearts full of love and our songs full of joy
To keep the flame burning for those yet to come.

currently reading: Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America - B. Ehrenreich
currently listening: John Mayer - Room for Squares