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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Where are my Mittens?
28 March 2003 @ 8:37 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

March: In like a lion, out like a lamb. (or vice versa)
March in the UP: In with angry, cold snow, out with huge dumpings of heavy, apathetic snow.

The entire view from my window is coated in whiteness. The fir trees have a thick blanket over them and the road has once again disappeared. I watch people walking by - heading off to somewhere important - covering their faces and hands to shield them from the thick, wet snow.

I'll definitly need my mittens today.

I'm sitting here watching the useless housemate "shovel" the front steps. Actually, shovel is too strong a word. She's running the shovel over the steps without actually removing any snow. Then left the shovel at the bottom of the steps, looked up at the steps, smiled, then hopped off to wherever she's going. Useless. I hope I fall so I can blame her. (the nice kind of fall though, where she sees it but I actually don't hurt myself)

There is no way I'm going to dig out my car today. Gotta walk everywhere. Too bad the leg isn't responding from the knee down. Silly barometric changes causing the numbness to reappear. I think I need a cane for days like this. But then others would actually notice that yes, I am handicapped. They don't need to know how often I have problems. Especially when the kids here now can't do anything to help me if I need it. They proved that quite nicely when I fell off the porch a month ago.

I have no desire to head out into the snow right now. I have no desire to go to work today. The snow is talking to me, saying "Red! Girl, you need to stay inside today and mentally prepare for all the shit that's gonna happen over the weekend. I'm all cold and wet, stay in there and be dry. Besides, you KNOW that I'll trip you at least four times this morning if you attempt to walk in me - I know your bum leg is being gimpy again."

Is it bad that the snow is cackling at me? So much for appearing apathetic. . .

currently reading: Faith of the Fallen - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: the radio (8"-12" expected today!)