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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Coffee for a Townie
02 April 2003 @ 5:10 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

The two domestic goddesses are abandoning their homes.

Ari called last night and wanted to meet for an emergency coffee meeting. T was on his way out so I of course agreed. Who can pass up coffee and good conversation? Went down to the seedy coffee house - the place was dead. Now first off, I go there all the time and after 8:00pm on a weekday it is packed. Period. I have never been there, before last night, and been able to choose which table I wanted. Normally you grab floor space.

My favorite "barista" is working the machines. The following was how the ordering of coffees conversation went:

Red: "Hey there! Sure is dead tonight."
Coffeeguy: "Well look who's here! You should've been here earlier - a drum ensamble was just jammin. Place was packed, man. Totally awesome."
Red: "Really? Wow."
Ari: *pulls tea bag from rack* "Just a huge mug of hot water for the tea, please"
Coffeeguy: "Huge? How huge? Not that it really matters or anything being the same price."
Ari: "Biggest you have. Mmmm tea!"
Coffeeguy: *brings mug of water, takes Ari's cash, looks at me* "How many times have we met before?"
Red: "Uh, several times. Several times in the past month in fact. And I'd like a doubleshot mocha for the night."
Coffeeguy: "Is it Beth? No, no. I can't remember your name. Why can't I remember your name? Was I sober when we met?"
*Ari begins to snicker*
Red: "Heh, yeah at least the past few times you were."
Coffeeguy: *mumbles* "They called here . . . girl with long red hair. . . came looking for you. . . " *mumbles to himself more*
Ari: "People call here looking for you?"
Red: "Um yeah."
Ari: "Townie!"

Coffeeguy: "Red! That's your name!" *smiles and laughs aloud* "I knew I remembered you" *begins to sing a little song about my mocha as he steams the milk*
*Ari snickers more muttering "townie" under her breath*
Coffeeguy: "Your mocha comes with its own song tonight, Red"

Ari and I just busted out laughing. I have met this guy several times between Bass Player's band shows and the coffee house - both the one I work at and this one. She's convinced now that I am truly a local and the part-time university student thing is just a front.

Anyway, appears she wants to leave her house too. Stress is too much for her anymore and wants to know how I did it - leaving the home and everything. Now she actually owns the house she lives in and she rents the other rooms out to several guy friends of ours (including Chewba). We had this fantastic conversation about everything.

I hadn't realized how similar we are. There were hints before - but after last night its incredibly scary and just odd. I gave her names of a few landlords in the area who had places that were still available last I checked. She's getting all the paperwork together to sell the house off as a rental and find herself a one-bedroom apartment.

She asked if there were openings in the building I'll be in next year, which there is one, and if I'd be up for a crazy brunette living upstairs from me.

Honestly, I think it'd be nuts - but the good kind of nuts. Like cashews.

I think she and I are going to drag Chewba and a few others to head to the bowling alley tomorrow night for a few pitchers and a humiliating round or three of drunken bowling. Again, going to the local bowling alley/bar where yes, I know the bartender and owner.


Maybe she's right - I am a "townie" if there is such a thing in small-town midwestern America.

currently reading: Faith of the Fallen - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: Joan Baez - If I were a Carpenter