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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Class Stereotypes
04 April 2003 @ 3:30 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

This will be the very first time I have ever updated a diary from a course. Period. Granted I carried around the hardcover diaries for years, but today's class takes the cake so I need to do something to keep myself awake.

I've said before that I am in a methodology course for social research. Right now I am in the computer lab portion of the course working with the statistical software. Now maybe it's due to my engineering background or years of math and computer courses, but this is cake. It's easy. Incredibly easy. Simple code syntaxes entered into fairly advanced statistical software to run huge pre-made data sets through - and over half of the students in the course are completely unable to handle it. Some of the females in here scream about how their terminals do not work or that they can't find the files. I don't know what on earth their problem is - it's all just right there.

This confirms yet again my assumptions about the students who chose to be social science or humanities majors at this university. They are unable to do simple math or find things on either a UNIX box or a PC. And the worst part is, they don't want to actually learn. Instead they become frustrated and scream. Yes, we are in a classroom and they were just screaming.

It's pathetic and I don't want to be part of this "group". Hell, two are getting up to leave right now, even though the instructor hasn't dismissed us yet - the course isn't supposed to get out for another thirty minutes or so.

It's these girls who give people like myself a bad name for being in this major at this university. I almost want to tell people that I am still in Biomedical Engineering as it has a better "stereotype" associated with it.

*sigh* Anyway, I'm still falling asleep. Took a quick nap but it was fitful as the phone rang constantly.

currently reading: Faith of the Fallen - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: -