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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Did What?
08 April 2003 @ 11:59 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Toxic fumes fill the room. Bottles of chemical substances are scattered across the desk. Brushes, vials, files, scissors, dippers, cotton swabs, and other tools lie amongst the bottles. My tounge is poking ever so slightly from the left side of my mouth. Focus, Red, focus. Don't let the music distract you.

Trying not to get high off the fumes, but it's too cold to open the window while I work.

I think I need a brighter desk lamp.

My first French manicure. I did it myself. I wish I had a digital camera to post how fantabulous my nails look right now. And to think, I don't need to pay hundreds of dollars for hands like these - the kit was $4.97 at my local drugstore.

This was my birthday present to myself. Good hands. I think I'll go get the hair cut tomorrow afternoon too. Get me lookin' all fancy-like for the conference. Or at least put together, since in all reality I am not.

I am finally tackling the massive pile of laundry. Yes it is getting late and yes I have to work in the morning. But I can't stand having no clean clothes. But now that I have seen everything I own laying on the floor, I know that it is time to donate a huge portion to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. It's time to thin out all the crap I still have from, well, middle school.

Yes, I still have several T-shirts and sweaters left over from well over ten years ago. Hi. My name is Red, and I am a clothes pack-rat.

Speaking of clothes on the floor, they got there due to a huge fit I threw late this morning. I just started throwing things. I pulled all the sheets off my bed, all the clothes out of the hamper, pushed the majority of the random papers off the desk. The fit lasted like twenty minutes and was a total and complete waste of time.

T came over right as I was starting to clean it all up this afternoon. He's on this mission to "cheer me up". That was until he saw the massive wreck known as my bedroom. He tried to get me to skip work tonight and hang out with him. Yeah right. I told him that hanging out would cost him. T forgets how broke I am. That is until he reached into the desk where I keep my ledger and starts looking to see who owes me money. Silly kid has started to talk about threatening those who owe me over $100. Wouldn't that be nice? I have my own thug now. Loan Shark Red needs to start the juice.

Canada called tonight to wish me a happy birthday. She feels the same as T about the whole owing of cash. Maybe I'll fly her in and the two of them can stage the largest beat-down of my housemates in history. Heck, I could sell it pay-per-view and double my earnings. Yeah.

I'm done for the night. Time to pull the last load out of the dryer, fold it up quick, and fall into my freshly made bed. When I wake up, it will be my birthday. Gotta be a great day.

currently reading: Faith of the Fallen - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: the local radio