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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Midstates Vacation
13 April 2003 @ 7:38 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Picture this: huge, posh conference center, golf course and exhibit hall complete with two swimming pools, a spa, and a huge ballroom overrun with 1300 camp people (seasonal staff, administrators, directors, sponsors, vendors). Teva sandals, bandanas, nametages covered in glitter, running rampant over the thick carpets and polished banisters. Groups of grown adults playing with beachballs and hula-hoops while singing crazy songs a seven year old would shake her butt to.

People flocking to the alpha-male of camp, Michael Brandwein, just to hear him speak on communication within a camp staff or professionalism. Women and men joking around watching Bob Ditter dance like the white-boy he is, but cherishing his advice and motivation.

This was the ACA Midstates Conference and I was there. It was amazing and tiring and wonderful. My brain is so full at the moment that it's hard to think about anything else. I met up with several other kids from the camp I work for - six of us in the hotel room planning and learning together.

I do wish that I had learned more aquatic programming ideas, though. I want this season's waterfront to rock everyone's little worlds. Last year we barely survived, with the horrible weather issues and losing the docks. I just need fresh, sparkly, fantastic ideas to get the kids and staff excited for the water as well as keep them entertained all summer long. Heck, keep me entertained all summer - that will be the new goal.

My wish to stay in outdoor education is now stronger. I met several people who are doing exactly what I want. They love it. The gave me some fantastic ideas to get started. They love the fact that someone young wants to get to that point.

I am home now, but still on vacation. Tomorrow night is the Counting Crows concert. I am totally pumped for that. Totally. Until that concert is over, I am on vacation. I haven't answered the phone since I got back earlier this evening nor have I checked my e-mail. Sure I know that I need to, but I can avoid it for another minute or two.

currently reading: Faith of the Fallen - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: 90s Alternative station off Netscape Radio