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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Tired Morning
15 April 2003 @ 7:20 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

The Counting Crows have such an awesome live show - so much more than I expected. Last night was a musical menagerie as Blue Merle and the Counting Crows just rocked out for hours. Three hour show. Just fantastic.

One more band off the "Must see before they break up" list that I created back in '95-'96.

I could say more about the concert, but I'm unable to focus much this morning. I'm tired and realizing how unprepared I am for the exam I have this morning.

I have a date with my bed this afternoon. A nice "I've missed you" date. The kind where you spend hours reacquainting yourself with the one you love. Eh, something I'd like to do with a significant other, but the bed will do for now.

Anyway, time to caffeinate myself and venture out into the ever-cold world. Send me luck for my exam. How, you ask? By sending me your Clix love, of course.

currently reading: Faith of the Fallen - Terry Goodkind
currently listening: Beck - Mellowgold