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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

07 May 2003 @ 9:30 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

I just got out of the shower dreams are made of. I swear I haven't felt this clean or refreshed in ages.

My only guess is that the nasty housemate and I share a bathroom and all her stuff is gone already. So it was just all me. This got me thinking though - what is it that I will miss about this house? What will I not miss ever?

Well, here's what I could come up with about what I will miss. I've lived here for ages, I consider this place my home, my house.

* a huge bedroom with a view of the lake
* stained glass windows in the front of the house
* the feel of Brotherhood when you walk through the parlor
* sitting on the balcony on warm fall evenings with a drink and a magazine
* the memories of the really happy times here

But as I thought of those, I could think of ten times the number of things I will not miss. Things like:

* dishes piling up in the sink for days
* huge gobs of toilet paper clogging both bathrooms
* never being able to do laundry due to people leaving things down there or doing their own laundry on a nightly basis
* phones ringing off the hook between 10pm and 1am
* having trash pile up for weeks since no one thinks to buy new trash bags
* being constantly owed hundreds of dollars
* the realization that the housemates have no regard to the handicapped-factor and refuse to shovel because they "did it last week"
* dealing with the parking situation

*sigh* I could go on and on. This is why I'm leaving. I see the bookcases slowly being emptied, the desk becoming extremely clean, and my drawers less crammed. I'm torn between throwing out the old, cracked, blackened candle holders for new or just keeping them for the new place.

Yet there are so many things that I need to purchase in order to live in the new place comfortably. Things that I cannot afford right now. Like a new bed. Sure, I have my little twin bed that I've had since the surgery, but I think it's about time for me to get a big girl bed. I also think it's time to purchase a TV and VCR. I use them, so why not get them?

I hope that whatever Jill job I find this summer will pay well enough for me to succumb to such material things. I still don't know exactly what I'll be doing. In fact, I'll be starting the job hunting early next week. It is confirmed that I will be living at house#2, now I just need to find work.

Until then, I will continue to pack and wrap up this semester. I have a lot of work ahead of me.

currently reading: The Rowan - Anne McCaffery
currently listening: Madonna - The Immaculate Collection