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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

14 May 2003 @ 7:35 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Back at home finally.

I really dislike flying. I am much more of a driving kinda girl. Give me the open road, pack of cigs, and continuous music anyday. I don't mind the ten hours in a car alone. I don't mind the cost. Actually, it would have been cheaper for me to drive.

I didn't even get a bump. That's all I really wanted was a bump. I needed that free plane ticket damnit. Now how am I supposed to afford trips to see both Bubbles and Canada next year?

But I'm home. Or to the place that will be my home for a few last days as I pack up. Monday is the offical moving day. Between now and then, I must pack up everything I own into a few neat little boxes. Three years of my life, and then some, packed away and stored. Three years of peeling yellow paint, dingy carpet, moldy walls, wonderful memories, Brotherhood, cold winters, warm nights, creaking balcony, and dirty kitchens. I am glad that I am leaving. I really am. It's the jump into the unknown and living with the Parentals that I'm not so certain about. The job market is shaky and I don't really want to be at either of the two houses.

The Father has all these plans of us spending time together fishing and camping. The Mother wants to do "girls weekends". All I want is to be left alone for a few months.

currently reading: Damia - Anne McCaffrey
currently listening: -