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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Wardrobe Courage
18 May 2003 @ 9:49 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

*cough cough* *hack hack* *cough cough*

I am still not feeling any better. As I type this, I am coughing so hard my eyes are watering. I hate feeling crappy for days on end. Hate it! If I am not feeling better by Tuesday morning, well, I don't know what I'll do I guess. The big drive back downstate will be done in spurts. I can see it now - drive for ten minutes, then pull over to the side of the road and hack my right lung out for ten minutes, then drive a bit longer. I'll be caravaning with the Father, so it could get interesting.

My wardrobe is much smaller than I thought it was, or at least the wearable portions of it are. Today, being the final day of packing, involved pulling out every item of clothing I have and sorting through it all. I gave away more pairs of nice slacks and wool skirts today than I feel I should have. This is what happens when you gain too much weight. That and are a true clothing packrat - most of those skirts are from high school.

The Mother said, "Red, my dear, you are 23 now. Maybe it's time to get rid of some of those old sweaters and slacks that you've had since you were 16. Let's go shopping when you get down here for new "big girl" clothes."

I'm sorry, but I still dig my old raggedy wool sweaters that I've had forever. Some of them still look fine. Really. Besides, who has money for a new wardrobe? She was impressed that I mustered up some courage to give away as much as I did. I've come to admit that I will never fit into my favorite khakis ever again, and gave them to a friend who can get another few years out of them. At least I'll know they are taken care of.

Ugh, that last coughing fit left me with a headache, so I must cut this short tonight.

currently reading: Damia - Anne McCaffrey
currently listening: Techno Station of Netscape Radio (I really dig netscape radio, in case you haven't noticed)