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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Out of The House
28 May 2003 @ 9:40 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Actually going out on the town with another person is a very good thing. Very good. Very nice. I really needed that last night. Sure it was a simple dinner, window shopping, and movie with a friend, but it was getting my butt out of the house.

We went to see Down with Love. Had the entire theatre to ourselves. This movie is going on my list of "Movies I need to own". It was definitly a fantastic choice for us to just be ourselves as we watched.

* * * * *

I am still jobless. I cannot STAND to be out of work for another week. So much for getting a good feeling from the preliminary interviews I did. Thing is, I need to start looking again but I've combed the area really well. Really well. Now it's time to start looking in the next large city over which is a good 30 minutes away. Part-time work in another city takes away from your pay.

Besides, I'm turning to mush here. Work would stop and possibly reverse the "brain mushing" process. I'm actually considering going around to all of the pools and offering my services as an intructor - even though I wanted to get away from that this year.

How on earth did I get myself "stuck" in such a career rut? Why can't I take a break and have a normal job for once? That's all I really want - a normal job where when I'm done I leave it. One that I don't become attached to.

currently reading: Damia's Children - Anne McCaffrey
currently listening: the radio