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Project English Language
31 May 2003 @ 2:17 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

I was introduced to an underground movement today that I simply had to join. Now, I am a stickler for grammar. Simple typos are excusable, but overall spelling and grammar should be as perfect as possible. I abhore "netspeek" or "chatspeek" or any form of the language seen in many AOL chatrooms. I never quite understood the purpose behind putting "lol" at the end of every single statement.

So, maxg created a website to stop the overuse of chatspeek. It's called Project English Language. I encourage everyone to join up and work towards the banishment of chat room speak.

Note the addition of the banned word of the week link at the bottom. Maybe someday I'll add it into the rest of the navigation. Maybe.