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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Yes Please
26 June 2003 @ 6:15 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Time to watch the little red girl go nuts. This isn�t supposed to actually happen. Sure, we read about this is smutty magazines or those books reserved for women reading on beaches who can�t get any. Maybe even see things resembling it on movies seen on We or Oh! or even Lifetime. I�m stronger than this!

But no, I�m not. And it sucks. That�s right, I am horny. I am in need of affection, attention, stimulation, passion and maybe, just maybe, a little nookie. A kiss, a nuzzle, some heavy petting or even just dancing would be SO welcome right now.

It has been a very long time since I have been shown affection by anyone other than myself. The closest to anything real was the weirdo short guy from the club. I shudder to think that is the best I can get.

Putting everything else aside, though, I do need to get a piece. It isn�t possible to rent porn when I�ve moved back in with the Parents nor do I truly want to. I�m looking for the real thing here. What I wouldn�t give just to neck for a few hours!

I went to the gym this afternoon. I�m there power-walking on the treadmill when this fantastic looking older man walks by, then starts his aerobic workout on the machine next to me. Talks to me for a bit and goodness, I would not have said no if he propositioned me right then and there.

I am not normally like this! The dreams have been incredibly sexual, I find myself watching shows about relationships, even pulled out all of the push-up bras hoping that I�ll meet someone. Which of course I won�t considering I work in an all-female environment, including the patrons, and I don�t go out.

God, I need some lovin�. And now.

currently reading: The Tower and the Hive - Anne McCaffrey
currently listening: the tv