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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Have You Ever Seen the Rain?
08 July 2003 @ 9:27 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Even on the best of days the rain falls. Hard, fast, seemingly out of nowhere, though you know the clouds had been building in the distance. For me, the rain always comes when I have no shelter or have forgotten my umbrella. The rain is painful and secret. While sunny and cheerful outside of me, the inner storm rages on.

It rained hard this weekend.

Thunder boomed in my head as the rain fell to my chest. I sat locked in the only room with a lock, small and private. The only quiet place I found solace � desperately trying to stop the rain, the flooding, the thunder. Others swarming around the door demanding to be let in. If only they knew how hard it was pouring behind the single lock.

People crowding, fighting, arguing on the outside. Others attempting to make peace and smooth out the creases. So many people, all related, oblivious to the raindrops falling over me yet incredibly aware of the storm brewing within themselves. Too many people with no privacy around one another for the first time in ages with storms raging in the distance.

My personal rain was unrelated to the outer scuttle. It fell while the sun was showing its glowing face. My rain isn�t the happy rain as Madonna sings, the rain of love. The rain, which has splattered across my chest, is that sang by John Fogerty.

It rained hard this weekend. It left stains across my chest. Large drops upon my shirt.

This was written on a scrap paper over the weekend as I sat locked in a bathroom. Wasn�t really the best of times for me. That, and I wasn�t able to get the CCR song �Have you Ever Seen the Rain?� out of my head. I have seen the rain.

currently reading: Full Circle - Danille Steel
currently listening: -