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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Decorating Ideals
09 July 2003 @ 11:16 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

My very first piece of brand new, real furniture came today. It is the first major purchase for the brand spankin� new apartment. I ordered it while it was on sale, got a loan from the Mother, and it arrived today. My beautiful Papasan chair from Pier One. It�s perfect � sage green cushions for both the chair and ottoman. So it has begun . . . the decorating from afar shall now truly commence.

Playing in the garden really is a decent way to spend a day off work. My morning glories are coming in nicely around the new trellis. I was terribly worried that they wouldn�t grow since the soil in that garden is just horrible clay. The Mother refuses to build up the beds with proper compost. She has this huge compost heap but never spreads it out well. I plan on taking a good portion of it to build up the last neglected garden to begin the �Effortless Garden Plan� I hope to initiate for her. This ragged garden thing never needs to occur again. A smattering of hosta and myrtle should take care of the majority of the problems.

My houseplants are taking off, though. This just invigorates me to no end. So what if the evil ex-housemate stole most of my plants? I am propagating new, stronger versions of everything. Including, tending to the few that were already here at House#1 (though I am stealing cuttings from most of them for my own use). The apartment will be lush and green and perfect.

Can you tell that all I can think about is the new apartment? Could it possibly stem from my hatred of living here or the utter lack of privacy or true freedom? Eh, maybe. I am considering spending some free time and building corner plant shelves for the new place. I have a feeling I will need them. Just need to design them now. I have been perusing websites such as Pier One and Crate and Barrel for ideas. Why pay for all that stuff when I am perfectly good at woodworking?

This is what happens when I watch too much HGTV.

currently reading: Full Circle � Danielle Steel
currently listening: -