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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Ode to Womanhood
16 July 2003 @ 1:17 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Moon Days. Rag Week. Aunt Flo. On the Rag. Friend is Visiting. Period. Menstration. So many ways to say, �Damnit, I had plans this week that didn�t include bloating, cramps and bleeding from down below for five days.� Even found a charming littlewebsite with the most comprehensive list of terms titles and atrocities assigned to what nature blessed women with.

That�s right blessed. I�m blessed to have two days of the worst bloating, cramps and backache of my life every month. I�m blessed to be guaranteed one migraine every month. I�m blessed to be constantly reminded that, as a woman, I am able to endure a recurring pain and still move on � not be a boy about it and cry to mamma about why the cramping just won�t go away.

Whenever I hit my �rag week� when around The Mother, she will avoid the obviousness of it and start in on how I sleep too much, eat too much, and appear overly lethargic. I must not be getting enough exercise as I limp through the yard. Instead of the blessing these things are, I am berated constantly about how someday I�ll �wake up and want to see someone for happy pills again.�

The speech comes every 30 days on schedule. I�ll sell you tickets if you�d be interested in seeing it once again.

I�m one of those women who honestly revel in my two days off every month. I will almost always take two days to get through the bloating and cramping by spending some quality time by myself reading, drinking peppermint tea, and curled up in a little ball. There for a while, it was my two days to celebrate my non-pregnant state � now it�s more of a quality time. That is unless I�m where I am now, with The Mother hanging over me, �Why don�t you get up and work outside today? It�s beautiful out.�

Let me ask any women out there, we are all blessed, but who wants to go out and mow a lawn or work in the garden during their monthly visit?

Instead, I prepare to teach. Another set of swim lessons today. That�s right, the one thing more uncomfortable than squatting over a garden in a pad is swimming in a pool with twelve kids while bloated.

I am utterly blessed.

currently reading: Arrow's Flight - Mercedes Lackey
currently listening: -