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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

31 July 2003 @ 7:44 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

I am a reader. Period. Reading educates me in a little of everything. Reading is a form of escape from everyday life into a beautiful fantasy world. I hate Canada for being the one person to realize why I read so much while at camps and always the princesses, mages, and unicorn type books. Books are my shield to real life in many ways.

That is until the most recent one. I've been reading Getting Over Jack Wagner by Elise Juska and instead of shielding the real world out it is mirroring it. I am not the type to dabble in books recommended by magazines such as Cosmo or Elle, but this book is of that genre - female summer beach reading. Or "Chick Lit" as the stand said in Target. What drew me to the book was the mix tape of songs to listen to (or at least keep in mind) as you read. The author has fantastic taste, so I bought the book.

I laughed. I cried. I groaned. I realized how similar the heroine and I are. The book held up a little mirror to my dating career and the "rock stars" I am drawn to. I date musicians. Period. I have always known this, but the book made me begin to think. Every single serious crush, boyfriend, or attraction has been to a musician of sorts. Most multiple-instrumental. Save one, the very first that began in 8th grade. (I know, late bloomer) He was still an artist though - same vibe about him.

Ms. Juska can write. Her observations about college life are humorous yet exact.

Needless to say, I am impressed. I love the book and hate it all at the same time. Exactly what a good book should do for me.

currently reading: Getting over Jack Wagner - Elise Juska
currently listening: local hip-hop station