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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

American Politics and Alphabets
07 August 2003 @ 11:49 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Here�s a little Alphabet Survey I did while watching tonight�s Daily Show. I haven�t seen an episode so entertaining in years. It was the perfect thing to end out this day. How can we not poke fun at the California Recall election? Only in America can we recall a governor in one state and have senators run away in another � all in the same week!

Anyway, on with the little survey. It�s cute. Really.

A- Act your age? A good portion of the time I do, the rest I act much older.
B - Born on what day of the week? Tuesday
C - Chore you hate? Cleaning and disinfecting garbage cans.
D - Dad's name? Dad
E - Essential makeup item? Mascara
F - Favorite actor? Val Kilmer
G - Gold or silver? Silver
H - Hometown? Right here!
I - Instruments you play? Piano, Clarinet, and Voice mostly. Though also play all other single reed woodwinds, flute, mallet percussion, and the washboard.
J - Job title? Student, Waitress, Swimming Instructor
K - Kids? None of my own
L - Living arrangements? Brand new lovely single apartment
M - Mom's name? Mama
N - Number of people you've slept with? Just sleeping tons, though I assume it means sex, so 2 technically though only acknowledge one.
O - Overnight hospital stays? Two I believe. Only remember one that was truly overnight where I was checked in.
P - Phobia? Fear of Falling
Q - Quote you like? �A woman�s knee is a joint and not an entertainment.�
R - Religious affiliation? Raised Missouri Synod Lutheran, now just generally religios in the church of life.
S - Siblings? One sister
T - Time you wake up? Average 7:15 a.m. everyday
U - Unique habit? I will sit with my feet folded in half, especially in proper straight-backed chairs. I also performed with my band barefoot, but that isn�t so unique.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? Pickles count as vegetables I guess. That�s about it.
W - Worst habit? I pick at my skin at times. Nasty habit.
X - X-rays you've had? Several chest x-rays, more spinal images than you can count, several head scans and CTs as well.
Y - Yummy food you make? I am a great cook. Period.
Z - Zodiac Sign? Aries

currently reading: Jemima J � Jane Green
currently listening: The Letterman Show