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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Indoor Garden
04 October 2003 @ 12:47 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

An empty flower pot sits on my kitchen counter. It once held cuttings from one of the plants from my grandmothers' funeral several years ago. The other two pots of cuttings are thriving, but this one just didn't survive the shock of the move and took a month to wither away. Peace Lillies are slow to die.

Empty pots just make me sad. I have no new cuttings at this time to spare. The bare spot in the South window calls for something new. The Swedish Ivy and Shamrock honestly look lonely sitting here now.

I love my indoor garden. I've wept when my False Arilia was sick. Feelings of joy were apparent when the English Ivy started to grow again or when my Parlor Palm had its first new shoot in years. Each plant has a story behind it, most were gifts or cuttings from family gardens.

Maybe a new flowering plant will do. I only have three that flower currently - could add a bit of brightness around here when the snow comes.

I asked Chewba if he wanted me to give him one of the heartier plants to liven up his bland bedroom. He has hanging hooks scattered about the ceiling that would be perfect for a jungle of spider plants. But no, he claims he has killed too many in the past and wouldn't want to cause me pain watching a plant die in his care.

I do believe a trip to the greenhouse is in order today. Must go soon too, as The Father will arrive this evening. A fresh plant will help bring the place together. I honestly worry that it isn't clean enough or "homey" enough for family members to see. Everything must be perfect. So no empty pots or wilting flowers, no dirt on the floor or dirty dishes, no cigarette butts or half-eaten pizzas. Must be perfect.

currently reading: Cordelia's Honor - Lois McMaster Bujold
currently listening: Slow Female Mix (Des'ree - Kissing You)