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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Fresh Start
12 October 2003 @ 7:17 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

It amazes me how one person at one moment can turn your attitude, mood, and outlook on life about in circles. A simple phone call, e-mail, card, or instant message can either bring you down or lift you high. Some call these folks muses, but that isn't quite right. They aren't your inspiration just your "alterrers".

Last night Chewba was able to bring me right up and out of the depths of despair. He's phsyically in rough shape after an accident in yesterday's parade. I went over to his place last night partly to get out of the apartment, partly to see how badly bruised he was, as well as just to be held in my own little selfish way.

Turned out to be the best thing for both of us. He is comforted by my presence as well as a decent neck rub to loosen his stiff muscles; I'm comforted by his words.

I ran out of there early this morning feeling higher than ever. I've been in a fantastic productive mood all day. Sure part of it is hormones, but just knowing how much he loves me helps tremendously.

Imp stopped by as well and helped me clean my place as we discussed more wedding plans, relationships, her students, my burning myself out, etc. She tried to get me to go to the aerobics class with her today (we used to go together three times a week), but I needed to finish what I started.

Tonight the tv stays off as I focus on coursework. No tv, nothing left to clean, Chewba is immersed in programming some aspect of his senior project so all that is left to do is study. And I'm glad.

Put me in even a better mood and show your Love for the site, me, the world, etc etc. Thanks!

currently reading: -
currently listening: 90s Alternative Station on Netscape Radio