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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Kick Start
14 October 2003 @ 9:48 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Some days being ripped apart then kicked in the ass four or five times by a close friend is necessary. This is one of the reasons I still keep T around. Really. Last night after a long, boring meeting I called him with the intent to bitch and complain about life, school, the world, everything. I thought that I just needed to vent off to someone who would listen. He held an opposing view.

This is not the first time he has bitch-slapped me via telephone, nor will it be the last. T knows how worried and anxious I get when things build up. He knows how much I want my last year to be smooth. So when I call to complain about being overwhelmed yet again, he stopped me dead in my tracks and dragged me out by my hair (or would have had I not cooperated � nothing like a big guy threatening to drive over with the sole purpose of kicking me out of my own place). My instructions were simple: go over to Chewba�s for the night and not worry about pending coursework until dawn.

So I did. Period. I hate to admit it, but he was right � I did need to spend quality time with Chewba. I needed to relax for just a little while. I needed to remember my 14 day goal, which includes coursework being completed between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. daily never at night. I needed to be there when he needed me most, which happened to be last night.

He said to me very simply last night that I was the only thing that did not go wrong yesterday. That me coming over was exactly what he needed as I am his comfort.

After J and my relationship truly ended, I feared placing my entire support system into one person. Especially if that person could not handle being the �rock� for someone as unstable yet simple as myself. Yet I am reminded day after day that Chewba and I are becoming a symbiotic system in every aspect, from comfort and support to coursework and motivation. He is my swimming partner, he is my confidant, he is my motivator and most importantly he is my friend. I hope and pray that I am the same for him.

Day one of the 14-day goal went fairly well. Swimming continued, I was conscious of what I ate and restarted my food journal, and thanks to T I allowed some �me� time in the evening. Now on to day two.

currently reading: -
currently listening: 90s Alternative station on Netscape Radio