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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Drive Down
24 November 2003 @ 8:21 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

The world is covered in a blanket of white as I pack for the week. It's time to make the annual trek across the state to visit the Family for Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to make the drive in nine hours today. Nine hours, weather permitting.

Four days downstate visiting the Family. Not too long to allow myself to go crazy, but just long enough to see everyone that needs seeing.

But I know there is no snow there. Here I sit in front of my large window watching the flurries fly about fearing the first three hours of the drive but loveing every moment of the snow.

Classes have been out since Friday afternoon. I have cherished these past two days in ways I do not have time to write at the moment. Just know that it has been the perfect way to relax after such crazy weeks. I look forward to Friday when I will be returning home and will be able to continue the restful times.

But now I must begin the long, snowy drive.

currently reading: (hoping to pick up a few books while in civilization)
currently listening: Today Show on tv