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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Power Motivator
05 December 2003 @ 3:50 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Things to do when the entire region you live in has no power and it is after dark:

� Light every candle you own

� Open all curtains to allow the light of the almost full moon in

� Call everyone you know and ask, �Do you have power?�

� Clean by candlelight

� Stand in cold hallway with neighbors giggling at the fact we just had the apartment building serviced for electrical problems earlier that afternoon

� Put an extra blanket on the bed since there will be no heat during the night

� Gather candles about a text book and attempt to study, but realize how much your eyes hurt.

� Find old radio and tune in only station in a 4 county area only to hear that there is no power anywhere.

� Realize only radio station is playing awful classic arena rock

� Have loving, and very warm, boyfriend sleep over to replace lack of heat.

Yes, you too can do all this! Only to be awakened at 3:30a.m. with every smoke alarm in the building going off because of a power surge.

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan lost power last night. As far as I know, it was over 2/3 of the area. You know a land mass the size of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island losing power. The irony is that several of my neighbors in the apartment building came by yesterday asking what I paid in electricity because they thought their bills were too high.

Heh. A day without power will lower that bill right down!

My electric bills aren�t near as high as theirs are. Then again, I don�t use overhead lighting at all nor do I leave any electronics on overnight or whenever I�m gone for more than a few hours. I have two huge windows to light the place between 8am and 5pm, so I don�t need lamps much of the time. Oh, and I keep the electric heat on low at all times, no matter what. It�s easier to wear a sweater for me anyway. Crazy kids not knowing how to save $20 a month on their utilities.

In other news, I am so far behind schedule it isn�t even funny. The wall is still screaming at me to finish up, and I try to listen and obey, but it is so hard to do so much. I want to stay in tonight and work on things, but no, a few months ago I volunteered to work at the hockey game tonight. What on earth was I thinking???

With every CLIX you send me, I will become more motivated. Yeah, that�s it.

currently reading: Wish you well � David Baldacci
currently listening: REM � Automatic For the People