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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

08 December 2003 @ 8:51 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

The wall is calling to me again. In fact, it�s screaming. Three papers to write, three exams to study for, several courses yet to attend and well, I don�t want to do any of it. Anti-student sentiments are settling in once again, only in anger. Nothing I do seems to curb it, either.

Even with these negative feelings, yesterday was a fairly productive day. I don�t know what I�d be doing now otherwise.

The highlight to the entire day was when I took a hot shower, put on my PJs, and drove over to Chewba�s with a pillow and a movie. We curled up on his bed with hot cocoa and watched Finding Nemo. It was comfortable, warm, and the movie made both of us laugh. I called it the perfect slumber party, though he wanted a pillow fight and truth or dare. I just fell asleep in his arms instead.

Now I sit here with the wall staring at me with its To Do List. I need to have a draft of one paper done this morning. I have to. So here I go, venturing into the world of international trade negotiations yet again. With me luck, eh?

currently reading: Wish You Well � David Baldacci
currently listening: Global Underground 017 - Danny Tenaglia - London