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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Motivational Fantasies
13 December 2003 @ 6:57 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Sitting here working on an essay when I just felt like writing a journal entry. That�s right � a random journaling escapade in the midst of an essay for an organizational behavior course. I feel it�s better than allowing myself to sit here for another hour and daydream.

The mind has been incredibly flighty today. I found myself daydreaming while driving across town with Chewba this morning, he mentioned that we didn�t need to speed to get where we were going. Stupid me wasn�t paying attention to the speedometer as I drove, lost in the fantasy world inside my head. I�ve found my way back into that world of contentment, warmth, and comfort. It�s even keeping me from writing this essay now. Can�t tell if this is happiness or just a reaction to the pages that I must produce in the next week.

The gigantic �To Do� list on the wall is almost complete. I can�t believe the amount of work I�ve accomplished in the past ten days. Makes me wonder what would have happened if I wasn�t trying to run away from the drama amongst the acquaintances. But now the drama is gone, leaving me yearning to curl up in bed with my book and a fire in the fireplace. Not sit here and pound out another 5 pages.

I�m trying to determine how to celebrate once the list is complete � won�t be long now. Do I keep it small and just spend a quiet evening with Chewba? Do I invite everyone I know out to the bar for a romp-stompin� good time? Or do I just sleep? I think I might need to figure it out to provide that extra oomph of motivation needed this time of year.

No more daydreaming. Just writing. Yes!

currently reading: The Golden Nineties � Lisa Mason
currently listening: Thievery Corporation � Om Lounge