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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Queasy Dreams
13 January 2004 @ 10:00 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Holy hell I feel like shit. Queasy stomach, glazed over eyes, chills, incredibly tight muscles in the right lower back area, and still fatigued after nine hours of sleep alone. It isn�t an overt feeling of shit, either, just lurks in the background whenever I try to eat or walk around.

Today is day two of courses for the final semester of my college career. Day two and I�m already missing out due to a queasy stomach. Here I thought the nasty feeling was from eating too much dairy yesterday� but that should have passed by now. I can�t believe I was tricked into getting sick by my lactose intolerance.

Dreams last night were the strangest I have had in a long time. I wish I knew how to interpret these, but I�ve never had anything like them before. Setting is a large, dark bedroom � apparently based on the Parental�s bedroom at House#1. Chewba and I are laying in the bed talking, which is a very normal occurrence for us. At some point as we�re laying there in each other�s arms talking, Sis comes into the room and climbs into bed with us. Now, when she was little (talking like under the age of 10) she would never sleep alone, always crawled in with someone in the middle of the night. But she�s in her early twenties now and was in the dream. Thing was, Chewba and I started getting all randy with her still in the bed. She never participated nor was even awake for most of the night. I woke up the next morning with her in between the two of us � everyone but myself still asleep. Chewba then got up and went off, then the Father appeared to wake us. Apparently this type of thing went on for a while � her sleeping in our bed every night. Time passed until Sis declared to me that she was pregnant. But she hadn�t had sex at all, let alone with Chewba in our bed. She kept asking me if I was pregnant too, which I wasn�t. The Father got involved in the argument somehow as well. It was always dark and towards the end everyone was screaming at each other. No one believed Sis had an Immaculate Conception, etc etc etc.

The only thing I can figure is this is the combination of watching too much All My Children, dealing with Sis being hurt on New Year�s, traveling too much, an overactive imagination, and my own inner debate of birth control. I just have to say it was the strangest dream ever.

currently reading: Quicksilver � Neal Stephenson
currently listening: Liz Phair � Liz Phair