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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Modern Age
10 February 2004 @ 8:28 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

I have now officially entered the modern age for women. I must be the last sexually active intelligent twenty-something female on earth to do this. Or at least America.

This morning I opened up a little prescription box and pulled out a foil wrapper containing a flimsy little peach-colored �patch�. Directions read again (this is only the fourth time now), I found a proper place around my midriff to stick the thing. Wasn�t as difficult as I feared or as uncomfortable.

I am now on birth control. It�s been about ten minutes.

Selecting a method of birth control is a bit tricky these days. There�s the condom, which I swear by since *knock on wood* I�m still not pregnant. In fact, I just made yet another order from Condom Country. Then there�s the birth control pill. Now I can�t remember to take pills for the life of me � one of the main reasons I fear going back on any sort of mood enhancer/stabilizer meds � so this wasn�t an option for me. There�s also the ring. This will actually be my next try if the patch doesn�t work. Implant the thing inside you and it does what the pill does and then a bit. The shot is also a possibility, though the side effects of it include things like back pain and increased cramping � two things that I�m using birth control to get rid of. The thing makes you sterile, but well, I really don�t need three months of increased back pain. At least not now.

All this is why my doctor and I decided on the patch. I�m scared the thing will fall off in the pool, but the package ensures me it will not. We�ll see.

So it�s been about 15 minutes now. Exciting.

One thing I noticed in the packaging was that the only time the effectiveness of the patch goes down is in women who weigh over 198 lbs. This is now yet another incentive for me to continue to lose weight. The thinner you are, the more effective the hormones are. Fancy. Thus my plan to lose a total of 40 lbs still stands. It�s been five weeks now and I have lost 6.5 lbs. But my sugar levels are way down and I�m exercising minimum of twice a week for 40 min each time. So I�m getting there.

I am now truly a modern woman. I think. I�ll have to recheck the �bible�, better known as the Fabulous Girl�s Guide to Decorum. It�s a fantastic book if you�ve never read it. Anyway, off for the day.

currently reading: -
currently listening: Weezer � Green Album