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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

337 Questions
12February 2004 @ 9:29 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

A friend sent this to me via e-mail. And since I'm sitting here waiting, its giving me something to do.

.::337 questions::.

(1) The singular most boring question: what is your name?
Everyone calls me Red.

(2) Happy with it?
In all honesty, the name doesn�t bother me.

(3) Are you named after anyone?
Actually, it�s named after Red Leader from the original Star Wars movie (Episode IV for those who don�t know).

(4) Are you ready for a long survey?
Sure, why not? Waiting for guests to arrive.

(5) Your screenname?
rednes13 for AIM

(6) Would you name a child of yours after you?

(7) Then what would you name your children?
If I have the ability to name them (planning on adopting actually), boys would have strong �J� names like James or Jason or Justin. My favorite girl name is Abigail, so maybe something along those lines.

(8) If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be?
The Parentals informed me my name would have been Geoff.

(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would that be?
What�s with the name switching?

(10) Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do with your name constantly?
Nope. All of my names are fairly bland.

(11) Would you drop your last name if you became famous?
Naw. Keep it like it is. But enough with these names questions!

(12) Your gender:

(13) Straight/gay/bi?
Fairly straight � could never have a real relationship with another female. Too much drama.

(14) Single?

(15) Want to be?
Want to be single? No way.

(16) Your birthdate?
April 9

(17) Your age?

(18) Age you act?

(19) Age you wish you were?
twentysomething � seems to fit me ok

(20) Your height?

(21) The color of your eyes?
Bright green

(22) Happy with it?

(23) The color of your hair?

(24) Happy with it?

(25) Left/right/ambidextrous?
Right handed for writing, everything else is ambidextrous.

(26) Your living arrangement?
Livin� the high life in the perfect apartment.

(27) Your family?
The Parentals and Sis make up the nuclear family. There�s also a dog.

(28) Have any pets?
I have two fish here in the apartment. They are still unnamed as I never thought they�d live this long. The Parentals have a dog that I assume is partially mine, though haven�t spent much time with it in 6 years.

(29) What's your job?
Full time university student. Part time teacher.

(30) Piercings?
Two holes in each ear. Nothing too fancy.

(31) Tattoos?
Not yet. But I will have two once I am able to afford such luxuries.

(32) Obsessions?
So many to list. Candles, plants, ER tv show, granola, etc etc etc.

(33) Addictions?
Nicotine addiction is about gone. Caffeine is still riding high � and the true type of caffeine addiction where I shake and sweat and cannot sleep when I don�t have enough in my system.

(35) Do you speak another language?
I know enough German and American Sign Language to get by. Though I am fluent in English � American, British, and Australian slang included.

(36) Have a favorite quote?
I have several, but here�s one for kicks � �Live as though you�ll die tomorrow, dream as though you�ll live forever.� By James Dean.

(37) Do you have a web page?
You are looking at it, chief!

(38) Do you live in the moment?
Most of the time I find myself planning for the future � whether it is two hours or two years.

(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?
Incredibly. How else does one work with children?

(40) Do you have any secrets?
Yes. I bet just about everyone does.

(41) Do you hate yourself?
Somedays I hate myself more than anything else in the world. Other days not so much.

(42) Do you like your handwriting?
I actually was very frustrated with my handwriting as a child � I was (am) a perfectionist and so between grades 4 and 5 I worked very hard perfecting my writing. So now I am very proud of it.

(43) Do you have any bad habits?
Who doesn�t? I pick at my skin, I drink too much, I smoke on occasion, my mother calls my hairy legs a bad habit, etc etc etc.

(44) What is the compliment you get most from people?
Either that I have incredibly will power or that I am a hard worker. Or they dig the hair, but superficial complements are on a separate level.

(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?
�Dream With Me�

(46) What's your biggest fear?
Tie between falling and pushing everyone away in my life. Though the falling fear creates much more terror to me than the other.

(47) Can you sing?
I would hope the years of voice lessons were worth it.

(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?

(49) Are you a loner?
That�s actually a very good description of me. Though Chewba seems to be taking that away rapidly.

(50) What are your number 1 priorities in life?
This question makes no sense. How can �number 1 priorities� be plural? How have you have more than one number one? Bah, I�m confused, next question.

(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Probably different people than my friends now.

(52) Are you a daredevil?

(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?
See previous entries of this here journal.

(54) Are you passive or aggressive?
Both depending on the situation. But it is the extreme of each when they come up.

(55) Have you got a journal?
This is one of many volumes.

(56) What is your greatest strength and weakness?
Strength = will power, weakness = self-confidence

(57) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Drop the weight so that I see my waist again as well as lower my risk of diabetes and other beautiful genetic disorders that swim through the family pool.

(58) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity. You can only drink out of one. Which one would you drink of?
Love. The others are based on love of something whether it is the world another person or oneself.

(59) How do you vent?
Writing works extremely well for me. Though just crying it out works too. The combination is the best.

(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong?

(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?
I regret nothing.

(62) Do you think life has been good so far?
Life has given me some interesting and hard experiences. But I�ve survived. That�s all I can say.

(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?
Regret nothing and experience everything once. Learn from the experiences to improve your life but don�t dwell on the past, though that�s the tough part.

(64) What do you like the most about your body?
I have great hair. . . most of the time.

(65) And least?
We�ll go with the weight again. I fear for my health being a bit heavy.

(66) Do you think you are good looking?
I�m not ugly and that�s all that really matters.

(67) Are you confident?
I show an aura of confidence when I�m out in public. But it�s usually just a shell and I�m mush on the inside.

(68) What is the fictional character you're most like?
No idea.

(69) Do people know how you feel?
Only if I want them to know.

(70) Are you perceived wrongly?

(71) Smoke?

(72) Do drugs?
Only prescription ones these days.

(73) Read the newspaper?
Don�t have a subscription this year, but I do when I am able.

(74) Pray?

(75) Go to church?

(76) Talk to strangers who IM you?
Usually, though not very long if they�re just dumb.

(77) Sleep with stuffed animals?

(78) Take walks in the rain?

(79) Talk to people even though you hate them?
Yes. Though I only truly hate a handful of people. But if I must be near people I am usually civil. Usually.

(80) Drive?
All the time.

(81) Like to drive fast?
Only on dry roads.

(82) Liked your voice?
Yes I like my voice, though the phrasing of this question is odd.

(83) Hurt yourself?

(84) Been out of the country?
Yes. Many times in fact.

(85) Eaten something that made other people sick?

(86) Had sex?

(87) Been unfaithful?

(88) Been in love?

(89) Done drugs?

(90) Gone skinny dipping?

(91) Had a medical emergency?

(92) Had a surgery?

(93) Ran away from home?
I have tried several times (in fact last year I tried about five times but Mother Nature prevented me from leaving).

(94) Played strip poker?
Actually no.

(95) Gotten beaten up?

(96) Beaten someone up?

(97) Been picked on?

(98) Been on stage?

(99) Been dancing?
Love shakin� the booty.

(100) Slept outdoors?

(101) Thought about suicide?
Yes, though will never commit it.

(102) Pulled an all-nighter?
6 years of university. Enough said.

(103) If yes, what is your record?
My guess is close to 72 hours.

(104) Gone one day without food?
Sure. My second year I forgot to eat all the time.

(105) Talked on the phone all night?

(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first?
All the time.

(107) Slept all day?
Yes. Though that�s usually after having sex first. . .

(108) Killed someone?

(109) Made out with a stranger?

(110) Had sex with a stranger?

(111) Thought you're going crazy?
Today? Sure.

(112) Kissed the same sex?

(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex?

(114) Been betrayed?

(115) Had a dream that came true?
I do believe that Chewba is fulfilling several of my dreams currently.

(116) Broken the law?

(117) Met a famous person?
Yes. A few in fact.

(118) Masturbated?

(119) Masturbated with something other then your hand?

(120) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?
Not by accident no.

(121) On purpose?

(122) Had sex?
Yes, but I do believe this question has already been asked.

(123) With more then 1 person?
At a time? No. Ever? Yes.

(124) Threesome?

(125) Orgy?

(126) Whipped cream?
Too sticky for my taste.

(127) Bondage?
Yes, but not during a sexual act. . .

(128) Whipped/gotten whipped?

(129) Blindfolded?
Again, not during a sexual act.

(130) Tied someone up/been tied up?
Not during a sexual act but yes.

(131) Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?

(132) Stolen anything?

(133) Been on radio/TV?

(134) Been in a mosh-pit?

(135) Had a nervous breakdown?

(136) Considered religious vocation?

(137) Been criticized about your sexual performance?
Yes. I don�t suggest that anyone actually do that, it�s just rude.

(138) Bungee jumped?
Lord no!

(139) Had a dream that kept coming back?
Several actually.

(140) Shoe brand?
Dr. Martins are great 3 season shoes. . . just not in the winter as the soles don�t grip panked snow.

(141) Brand of clothing?
I don�t have a favorite � I�m one of those people who just pieces things together when she remembers to shop.

(142) Cologne/perfume?
Vanilla scent is mine. I usually wear Bath & Body Works Warm Vanilla Sugar.

(143) What are you normally wearing to school/work?
I�m a sweateraholic. I love sweaters and nice pants or jeans. With boots usually. Unless its warm out, then linen pants and sleeveless shirts.

(144) How about parties?
Totally depends on the party. Comfort is the key factor for me.

(145) Wear hats?
All the time.

(146) Judge other people by their clothing?
I try not to, but some people have no sense of fashion or self.

(147) Wear make-up?

(148) Favorite place to shop?
Shop? You mean not at the grocery store or local shops for necessities? I�m sorry, I don�t� understand. I don�t live in an area where major shopping is available � though when I am in civilization, I don�t shop for clothing, I head straight for home d�cor stores like Pier One and Crate & Barrel.

(149) Favorite article of clothing?
My letters hoodie.

(150) Are you trendy?
In my own special little way, sure.

(151) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?
Considering I haven�t been in a primary or secondary school in a long time, it doesn�t really matter.

(152) Believe in life on other planets?
Yes. I believe it was the movie contact that stated if there aren�t other beings its an awful waste of space.

(153) Miracles?

(154) Astrology?
Yes. I�m an Aries with Virgo rising. The compassionate bitch. What a combo, eh?

(155) Magic?
There�s magic everywhere!

(156) God?
A higher being, yes. The Christian God, not necessarily.

(157) Satan?
Everything has an opposite, so yes.

(158) Santa?
The spirit of Christmas is Santa. I believe in that.

(159) Ghosts?

(160) Luck?
Jury is still out on this one.

(161) Love at first sight?

(162) Yin and Yang (that good can't exist without the bad)?

(163) Witches?
Yes. See the magic above.

(164) Easter bunny?
Heh. Sure.

(165) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?
Yes. Definitely.

(166) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
That all work has its true reward at the end? Yes of course.

(167) Do you wish on stars?
All the time.

(168) Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?
By traditional I assume you mean Christian, which isn�t necessarily traditional. But by that, no I do not.

(169) Do you think God has a gender?
I assume a higher being to be the combination of the best parts of both genders � the compassion and empathy of the female and the drive and direction of the male.

(170) Do you think that science counteracts religion?
Not at all. They complement one another.

(171) Do you believe in organized religion?
No. Religion is an individual experience.

(172) Where do you think we go when we die?
This is the one thing I am unsure about. I honestly don�t know, but I�ll let you know when I get there.

(173) Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?

(174) Who is your best friend?
I honestly don�t know right now. Which is kind of a scary thought. Bubbles still comes to mind, but we just don�t talk much with her PhD work and my finishing up school.

(175) Who's the one person that knows most about you?
Chewba knows a lot. But so does T. But I think my best scout friend knows the most.

(176) What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?
To continue to be the strong woman that I am.

(177) Your favorite inside joke?
Closest thing would have to be when Chewba will always steal some of my drink and food. It�s something that goes back several years.

(178) What do you get picked on for the most?
Contradicting myself about stupid little things. Or being a klutz.

(179) Who's your longest known friend?
That I still keep in touch with? Definitely my best scout friend. Since grade 7!

(180) Newest?
One of the girls I do Girls Night with.

(181) Shyest?

(182) Funniest?
Wilbur is fucking hilarious all the time. But then again so is T.

(183) Sweetest?
Chewba. Hands down. With Wiseman as a close second.

(184) Closest?
Physically the closest? The Girls I hope, they should have been here about twenty minutes ago.

(185) Weirdest?
heh. Most of my close friends are a bit odd. Mouse might be it though.

(186) Smartest?
Chewba. Just don�t tell him I said so.

(187) Ditziest?

(188) Friends you miss being close to the most?
numnum, Canada, Wilbur, etc etc etc. There are so many.

(189) Last person you talked to online?
Probably T, though I haven�t talked to anyone since this morning.

(190) Who do you talk to most online?
Everyone. Most of my friends live so far away that it�s the easiest for us all.

(191) Who are you on the phone with most?
These days probably the Mother or Sis. They can�t seem to stop using their telephones.

(191) Who do you trust most?
Probably Chewba right now.

(193) Who listens to your problems?
Ha! Now there�s the question I�ve been searching to answer.

(194) Who do you fight most with?
The entire Fraternity. Period.

(195) Who's the nicest?
Overall it would be numnum. He has the ability to criticize someone while still being a really nice guy.

(196) Who's the most outgoing?
CJ. Hands down.

(197) Who's the best singer?
M&M is pretty decent actually.

(198) Who's on your shit-list?
No one right now.

(199) Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?

(200) Who's your second family?
numnum�s family.

(201) Do you always feel understood?
Most of the time.

(202) Who's the loudest friend?
Tie between The Little and CJ.

(203) Do you trust others easily?
Most of the time. But I�m a good read of people.

(204) Who do you have the most in common with?

(205) Name one person who's arms you feel safe in?
Chewba. Duh.

(206) Do your friends know you?
Most of them do.

(207) Friend that lives farthest away?
I think this is a tie between Kerby and Canada. San Fransisco vs. Calgary.

(208) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?
Not at all.

(209) Do you remember your first love?
Very well.

(210) Still love him/her?
No, but I�m still not convinced I was honestly in love with him or rather the idea of him.

(211) Do you consider love a mistake?

(212) What do you find romantic?
Taking that extra moment to go out of your way for the one you love. Finding out that one thing that would make them happy and doing it no matter what.

(213) Turn-on?
Being comfortable around each other, intelligence, humor skills, and well, glasses.

(214) Turn-off?
Bad breath.

(215) First kiss?
It was alright, I was like 16 with the first real boyfriend.

(216) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?
It�s flattering when I�m actually aware they are interested. Most of the time I�m unobservant.

(217) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?
I�ve never dated anyone I haven�t been friends with for at least a few months.

(219) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?
Who cares about social acceptance? Do what feels right!

(219) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?

(220) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?
Seems that way.

(221) What is best thing about the opposite sex?
The fact that they are the opposite. In my eyes, two people must complement each other for it to be a happy relationship � opposites have the ability to do this very easily.

(222) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?
The men that I am around most seem to be more slobby than I am. I refuse to make the general statement, but that�s the first thing that comes to mind.

(223) Do you read porn?
Sure. Erotic writing is fine, but I don�t subscribe to magazines per se.

(224) Read the articles?
Don�t really read the magazines. . .

(225) Just the pics?
Still pictures don�t really do it for me.

(226) What's the best present someone gave you?
The giant red sunflower from Chewba is right up there.

(227) Are you in love?

(228) Do you consider your significant other hot?
He�s damn sexy.

(229) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?
Not much really.

(230) Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender?
Yes. I would think this is a common wish.

(231) If you did experience that for one day, what would you do?
See how I would be treated acting similarly. See for myself what types of prejudice exist.

(232) What do you love most about the other gender?
I love being embraced by large arms. As I�m a tall girl, that leaves guys to do the embracing.

(233) What do you dislike most?
No idea - probably the same thing that I understand least.

(234) What do you understand least about the opposite sex?
The one track mind thing. My mind runs all over the place in an organized chaos. His rides one track at a time. I don�t understand it.

(235) Honestly, what do you notice first in the opposite sex?
How they interact with others. It tells me a lot about personality.

(236) What is your fave possession?
All in all, the single favorite would have to be this computer. Collections of things may be worth more to me, but this is the most important. It is my tool of communication, allows me to be creative, opens the doors to education amongst other things.

(237) What physical, tangible possession do you want most?
My own home that I am able to decorate as I like.

(238) How badly do you want it?
It�s a dream, so I want it as much as any other dream.

(239) Have you ever seen The Exorcist?
Of course!

(240) How long did it take for you to understand why the last question is in this section?
Not long at all. It�s a great older movie about possessions.

(241) That haunted you?

(242) You wanted to kill?
No one.

(243) That you laughed at?

(244) That laughed at you?

(245) That turned you on?

(246) You went shopping with?
myself? Haven�t been shopping with another person since the trip downstate with Ari.

(247) That broke your heart?

(248) That disappointed you?
Probably J.

(249) That asked you out?
Chewba. Today for dinner.

(250) That made you cry?
I cry at the tv a lot these days. . .

(251) That brightened up your day?

(252) That you thought about?

(253 You saw a movie with?
In a theatre? I think the movie we saw just after New Year�s was the most recent, so Chewba.

(254) You talked to on the phone?
The Father.

(255) You talked to through IM/ICQ?
This was already asked, so it�s still probably T.

(256) You saw?
Maintenance guys for the apartment.

(295) You lost?
I honestly don�t know � I�ve lost several friends over the years. . .

(257) You went head over heels for?

(258) You thought was completely N-U-T-S?
Usually T falls into this category. Used to be Mouse, but the engagement has settled her a bit.

(259) You wanted to be?
I know that in High School I wanted the personality of one of the guys I was around a lot. He was so confident and proud. But still had a level head. This was years ago though.

(260) You told to fuck off?
Heh. Probably T.

(261) You trusted?

(262) You turned down?
For anything? Probably Ari�s invitation to dinner the other day.

(263) Smiled?
Probably the last half hour or so � watching comedy tv.

(264) Laughed?
Ditto above, though last night Chewba had me rolling on the floor with laughter.

(265) Cried?
I�m sure I did yesterday. . . usually a daily occurrence.

(266) Bought something?
Went to the grocery store the other day. Also purchased lunch at the union today.

(267) Danced?
I dance alone in my apartment all the time.

(268) Were sarcastic?
I�m always sarcastic on some level.

(269) Kissed someone?
Last night.

(270) Talked to an ex?
The other day in the Union I ran into my ex and his wife. But I see him around all the time.

(271) Watched your fave movie?
Ooh, been a while actually. Maybe I�ll watch it this weekend.

(272) Had a nightmare?
About a week ago I had another one.

(273) Talked on the phone?
Less than five minutes ago.

(274) Listened to the radio?
It�s always on in the car and various times during the day. I�m an avid radio person.

(275) Watched TV?
It�s on right now.

(276) Went out?
Like out to a bar or out to dinner? Just the other day, actually, when Chewba dragged me out for lunch. A few days before that T and I went out for drinks.

(277) Helped someone?
This is something that�s second nature to me. So my guess is within the last 24 hours.

(278) Were mean?
No idea. Don�t really keep track of these things unless its really serious.

(279) Sang?
Within the last hour I�m sure!

(280) Saw a movie?
In a theatre, not in over a month. But I watch them on tv nightly.

(281) Said "I love you"?
Oooh, not in a while actually. (282) Missed someone?
All the time. It�s hard not to miss people when most of your friends live in another state.

(283) Fought with a family member?
The holidays this year were filled with spats.

(284) Fought with a friend?
Not in ages really.

(285) Had a serious conversation?
Last night with Chewba.

(286) Smoked weed?
Oh goodness, at least three years.

(287) Got drunk?
Plan on doing so tonight!

(288) Had sex?
Last night.

(289) Last book you read:
Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson

(290) Last movie you saw:
I watched the Mighty Ducks on tv the other day. . . also saw the Lion King recently.

(291) Last song you heard:
Actually, it was New Kids on the Block � Hangin� Tough. I love my music collection.

(292) Last thing you had to drink:
Glass of red wine � drinking it right now.

(293) Last time you showered:
When I got out of the pool this afternoon.

(294) Last thing you ate:
Just finished my dinner. Had a nice ham sandwich and some carrots.

(295) Last CD you bought:
A Martin Sexton CD at the Folk Festival.

(296) Last thing you bought:
Lunch for myself today.

(297) What are you going to do?
Take another drink of this wine.

(298) Will it be with your significant other?
Nope. He�s out with his friends tonight.

(299) Or some random person?
Hopefully it will be with the girls. . .

(300) What are you wearing right now?
Ragwool sweater & jeans. No socks.

(301) Body-part you're touching right now?
I�m not � I�m typing.

(302) What are you worried about right now?
That they won�t show up.

(303) What book are you reading?
I was reading a book on energy policy and law earlier today, but I don�t have a novel at the moment.

(304) What's on your mouse pad?
It�s a freebie one with the logo of my Fathers� ISP on it.

(305) Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling?
Content. Happy. Worried. (306) Are you bored?
Not at all. It�s why I�m doing the survey.

(307) Are you tired?

(308) Are you talking to anyone online?

(309) Are you talking to anyone on the phone?

(310) Are you lonely or content?

(311) Are you listening to music?

(312) Do you laugh when you hear the number 69?

(313) Were you lying about your answer to the previous question?

(314) Do you actually know your social security number?
Of course.

(315) Do you actually know your IP address?
I recognize it, yes.

(316) Do you know what an IP address is?
Yes � Internet Protocol Address.

(317) Do you know the four-character extension on your zip-code?
There isn�t one up here. Or if there is, I�ve never seen it.

(318) Have you ever thought there were too many numbers floating around in our lives?

(319) Does your head hurt when you think of infinity, imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, etc?
Not at all. But then after the years of math courses they are quite familiar to me.

(320) What do you think of pi?3.14?
It�s actually 3.14159 but whatever. It�s a magical number. Like e.

(321) Have you got a fave number?
13 has always been good to me.

(322) How many rings before you take the phone?
Totally depends. I�m not one of those people who always waits for the second ring.

(323) Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?
Of course.

(324) How many CDs do you have?
Well over 100, but I don�t believe more than 200.

(325) Mac or PC?

(326) How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer as long as it works?
Quite a bit actually.

(327) Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversations?
Instant Messaging is finding a place in my life for school, work, and social interactions. But this form of communication has a time and place. Other times handwritten letters are better or in person.

(328) Do you find you're different talking more through IMs than face-to-face or telephone?
This question makes little sense, but I assume its asking whether or not my tone or vocabulary is different, and it isn�t.

(329) Have you ever ended bid on something on eBay and regretted it later?

(330) How much time do you spend online each week?
Too much. The computer is technically on and online whenever I am awake and home.

(331) Is the internet one of the modern things you could never live without?
I live without it in the summertime when I am at camp. But other than that, I do live by it.

(332) Do you even receive snail mail letters anymore?
Of course!

(333) Send any?

(334) What's your fave smiley?
I don�t use smilies.

(335) If you could meet anyone in the world, living or not, who would it be?
That is a tough one. . . so honestly I would say I would like to meet my closer internet friends in person. There are a few that I think would just be fun.

(336) Who is your idol?
I usually say Queen Elizabeth I. But the second camp director I ever worked for is my mentor.

(337) What band has the funniest name?
Now what kind of final question is this? My goodness! And I would have to say that the second name of a band I hung out with in High School is the winner � Sandpaper Love.

* * *

And hey! Look at that the girls are just driving up. Perfect timing. Long survey with poor grammar. Gotta love it.

Feel free to send me Clix Love or sign the guestbook if you made it this far in the entry. I�m sure it wasn�t all that interesting. Let me know!

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