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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

26 April 2004 @ 11:09 a.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Time for a typical Monday rant.

Three things pissing me off today:

1. Laundry/Money/Chewba. I am broke. It absolutely sucks, but I�m dealing with it. Things have been cut out of the budget, Chewba is even helping out a bit. Now, one place I figured I could save even more is on laundry. Even though there is laundry in my building, it�s still a coin laundry. Me, thinking that �hey, my boyfriend lives in a house that he is never at anymore that has �free� laundry, maybe he�ll let me do mine over there.� At first he was hesitant with good reason coming down to housemate issues and whatnot. Fine. I can accept that, it was just an idea. He then offered to buy me a roll of quarters, but never did. Whatever. So I sit down yesterday to plan out my week thinking that today, Monday, I would stay home instead of in the lab and do my laundry here while I was editing my paper. No big deal. We get up this morning, I make some comment about that�s what I was planning for the day and he comes back with, �But I told you that you could do it at my place so you wouldn�t have to pay for it.� He never told me this. Apparently he meant to yesterday when we saw each other, but never did. Meaning that I could have done laundry yesterday afternoon at his place while I was taking the afternoon just to relax. Instead, I had already gotten quarters from the bank and all that jazz. I had rearranged my entire day in order to be home working just to ensure that I got my laundry done so I would have socks and underwear in the morning. He has a hard time understanding how anal I really am when it comes to certain things and honestly how hard it is for me to admit that I need help with financial shit. But then doesn�t help at all and continues to badger me about asking for help and then not accepting it.

2. Classes. This is the last week of school for me forever. I am ecstatic about this. More so that I can possibly explain in writing currently. I was determined to attend every session of my courses between now and Friday to go out with a bang, even though I despise my one and only Monday/Wednesday/Friday course. So there I sit at 9:00 this morning listening to this flighty instructor who looks and talks like an aged valley girl from the sixties and walks like a goose lecture on �The American Experience�. She just annoys the hell out of me for a plethora of reasons, all exemplified in today�s lecture. The course is supposed to be an introduction to American history yet she teaches it as though everyone in the class is American and went through the Michigan school system and is familiar with Midwestern history (of which over half the class is not). And she leaves huge details out of the historical story to fit her own little version of what happened in the past. I left the class completely annoyed at her and her little stories of the Depression and Henry Ford thinking that there are only two courses left where I have to look at her face and listen to her whiny little voice. But it isn�t just her course that annoys me anymore � two of the others do as well. It�s like there�s been this cranky vibe over the university for the past ten days and it doesn�t appear to be dissipating any time soon. So my own crankiness and overstressed self-encounters cranky professors and students . . . bah, you get the idea.

3. The third is really just everything else surrounding the day. Little things building up like how I broke two nails getting in and out of my car today just from grabbing the door handle wrong. Things like coming home to a messy apartment because Chewba didn�t clean up his popcorn from the night before or having too many people moving around the apartment building so I have to get around them to get across the hall to the laundry room. Also my weight, acne breakout, flat hair, and achy back. We�ll just throw those on top for the icing on the cake.

I�m cranky and feel I have every right to be. And I�m hungry but have no desire to cook but no money, thanks to the laundry shit, to just go get something.


currently reading: Cryptonomicon � Neal Stephenson
currently listening: Tom Petty � Mary Jane�s Last Dance