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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Celebrate Good Times, C'Mon!
29 April 2004 @ 3:39 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

It�s been a good day thus far for a number of reasons. I have a smile on my face despite the oncoming headache and gray skies. Why? Here�s why!

� Last day of classes. Get an exam back that I took a few weeks back (Prof. has been a bit out of it � grading has been slow) and turns out that I had the highest grade in the course with a 98%. Fuck yeah. Depending on the final and the grade for the big project turned in last week looks like I will have an A for the course. Just what I needed as I prepare to get the hell out of here.

� Chewba received e-mail from fancy-schmancy-Chicago electronics corporation requesting a second phone interview. This is after he applied for a position, didn�t get it, they called requesting more information for another position, did a quick e-mail survey/interview and all that other jazz. They want him again. My boy working for one of the leading electronics/computer/wireless corporations as a proper engineer. He�s pumped. I�m pumped. Chicago is waiting for us!

� Went to the doctor yesterday for a check-up on the new drugs. Turns out I�ve lost weight. And not just a little bit either � apparently I am so dense that I didn�t notice I�ve dropped about ten pounds in the last month and a half. Not bad, eh? I�m that much closer to the realistic goal weight . . . yet the clothes still don�t fit well.


� Graduation arrangements are all made. Tickets picked up for The Family. Dinner reservations made at the nice restaurant The Mother always wanted to go to. Plus Sis and her picky eating habits will be happy there. The Father said he�d pick up the bill for the entire Family too.

� Just received a phone call where I won a free T-shirt in a drawing for Camp Staff I entered. Fuck yeah! I love free stuff!

� My international relations/law professor is taking our group to dinner tonight. Five students and one crazy professor shooting the shit at a nice restaurant in town. Free food, did I mention that I like free stuff?

� Last, but not least, I get to go out to camp this weekend for a Troop camp deal as well as to acquaint myself with the new surroundings. A weekend away from here between my final week of school and finals. Absolutely perfect.

I�m still running around with my head cut off trying to get everything done before I leave tomorrow morning, but I couldn�t be in a better mood. Wait, yes I could, if someone offered to pay my last month�s rent. That would make this absolutely perfect.

currently reading: Cryptonomicon � Neal Stephenson
currently listening: Ani Difranco � The Diner