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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

13 May 2004 @ 12:30 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Saturday night we toasted over a bottle of Labatts and a few shots. I said to the end, he said to the beginning. Sealed with a smile and a kiss, we sat at the bar one last time with the collegiate friends enjoying the atmosphere and music. One last time.

Since then, things have been just flying by at light speed. They say time flies when you�re having fun, but this is ridiculous. My joy makes the time literally disappear. Sunday found me waking early to shuffle Sis out the door where we had breakfast with the Parentals before the entire family left town. I crawled back into bed with Chewba in sheer contentment � tummy full, family happy and gone, bed warm. Not much else occurred on Sunday. I relaxed while Chewba and Wiseman went out to play with their big tools, I slept alone due to my sheer exhaustion.

The next day, Monday, was a giant step for me. Two things accounted for this step � I turned in the last things to confirm the graduation and I met with a financial advisor. The feeling of relief as I exited the administration building on campus with all books sold, exams turned in, and bills paid was exciting. From there I hopped into the newly washed station wagon and drove my content self to the bank. See, at dinner after the graduation ceremony gifts were given to both Chewba and I from my entire family. One of these gifts was a simple card from the Grandparentals to me with a cashiers check inside with too many zeros. I came into my inheritance. The tears shed at that table were numerous from the shock. The Father cried, I cried, The Mother cried, and the Aunts sat there smiling, as they knew it was coming. Being the eldest grandchild, I didn�t know when or if this day would come � the inheritance was kind of a mythical entity that folks kidded around about.

Anyway, the financial advisor visit was a huge thing for me. I now have a nest egg that I cannot touch for some time. All I have is a piece of paper that states the money technically belongs to me, but I cannot touch it. And I think its fantastic.

Since then, Chewba and I have been trucking along. Me working every afternoon with the elementary kids, he staying at his place slowly packing up and playing video games. We�re leaving Friday to move him back into his Parental�s home so that he may help them move out of their large home into a smaller one as well as it is closer to the fancy-schmancy-Chicago electronics corporation where he has another interview soon. Once he�s gone, I will be focusing on packing my own things up and preparing for camp. It�s coming up so soon. . . not totally certain that I�m ready for it. Until then, Imp and I have plans to spend lots of time together doing the girly thing as Wiseman is out of town working for the next few weeks.

I still am in awe that I am in this place in life. I never thought I�d be here. I never thought that I would have the degree, the job, the car, the loving boyfriend, and the support system that I have right now. Three years ago I was an empty mess inside a thinner shell of myself. I was miserable to put it simply � but you know that if you�ve been reading regularly. Now I�m not. Now I cannot stop smiling. Now I�m in love and we have a future together. Now I realize that my career path is one that I can accept, handle, and enjoy.

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currently listening: news on the tv