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Thoughts on Moving
26 August 2004 @ 12:02 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Ah, to be back in Michigan�

Staying here with Imp & Wiseman � they are ever-awesome friends. The moving process has officially begun. Four days from now I will be forever relocating, never to see the perfect apartment here in town ever again. I can handle it, really, now that I will be living in a slightly larger place in a slightly (ok, more than slightly) more urban setting. Four days to the official beginning of my new life. It�s crazy.

Chewba and I drove up here yesterday to spend the weekend with friends as well as to gather up the last of my personal belongings and pack them into a baby U-HAUL truck. Everything I own will fit into the truck. One truck. For some reason I always thought that I had more. Anyway, it�s amazing to be able to spend time together once again even though it is still not in a place of our (or my) own. Soon.

I have to keep telling myself that it really is soon.

It hit me the other day just how massive this change will be for me. I�ve never lived in a town with over 10,000 residents and here I�m moving to one of the largest cities in the Midwest. I�ve not lived outside of Michigan for an extended period of time, I don�t know the systems out in Minnesota quite yet, not even what the sales tax is (other than the no tax on clothing). But this is truly me being a grown up. It�s crazy because I have considered myself a grown up for years now, maybe that�s why this transition really is so easy and smooth.

The application process for the apartment was so incredibly easy. Granted I was distraught for like two days as I pondered everything that possibly could go wrong with my application including me forgetting to fill it out entirely, but overall, it was cake. God bless fantastic credit. Same with the process of getting a new phone � I did my research, I got the best possible deal for both Chewba and myself, and now here I have a shiny new cell phone that is dirt cheap.

Cake. It�s all cake. Now all I need is to be employed.

currently reading: -
currently listening: the radio � whatever Imp is listening to