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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

I Love It
09 September 2004 @ 10:05 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

Some days the world simply amazes me. A beautiful Thursday here in the city � nothing too terribly special just a blue sky and sunshine. But today was fantastic. So many things proving that I�ve done it, I�m here, it�s time for this little red girl to take on the world.

The garbage truck came this morning at 5:42. The first day I was in the apartment this happened causing Chewba and I to literally flip out, as we didn�t know what was happening. Today though, I smiled and rolled back to sleep knowing that I�ve learned to accept, yet block out, the city noises. I woke up two hours later to NPR on the radio with a smile on my face.

The morning walk was nice. I have no idea what was in the air, but the park just gleamed in the morning sun. That and there was a fantastic looking guy sitting on the stoop outside my building as I walked off. Always a nice thing so early.

The big news, though, is that I am now officially a Minnesotan. I went down to the Driver Licensing place realizing that I had forgotten my book. Now in all previous experiences back in Michigan as well as what I see on TV, it takes forever to do anything at the DMV/Secretary of State/etc. But today? Oh no! I walk in and get directed to the room where you take the vision and written test. A nice man with horribly long, curly hair hooks me up with the tests and takes my IDs. I sit down at station #12, take the test with its repeated questions and pass with flying colors. One more form and a photograph later, I am an official resident of the state and registered to vote. All in under an hour. From this point forward, I�m flying high.

I don�t know about you, but when I�m feeling that good I want to go to a nursery/greenhouse and shop for plants.

Which I did, but didn�t spend any money. Really. I was amazed myself. Especially considering the tragedy of my babies this past month. I�d rather not talk about it�

The rest of the afternoon was spent grocery shopping and cleaning the floors. I was content with it all. I am content with it all. You look at my day and notice that it�s a string of mundane events � events that all went exceptionally well and smooth. That on top of realizing that I can replace the dairy in one of my favorite recipes with soy works and I don�t get sick from it, just amazing.

Oh, and Chewba will be here tomorrow evening. I�m starting to miss him again so it�s time for a visit. I really do like how this is working out! Tomorrow is laundry day as well as Wilbur�s wedding. Again, nothing too exciting or exotic but it�s my life that I created all by myself.

It�s my life with my dreams. And I love it.

currently listening: Sen. Kerry�s interview on the Daily Show
currently reading: Trading Up by Candace Bushnell