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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Still Me
05 December 2004 @ 12:13 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

The things that change in just a few months�

Last night I sat down and decided to begin cleaning up my little webspace here in Diaryland. I�ve gone from over 450 hits a month to less than 20. I don�t talk about (or hell even to) the same people I have listed in the Cast. I�ve even changed my writing style ever so slightly.

You might think these are signs of growing up (well, not the reduction in hits). Might even be true.

Here I sit on a Sunday afternoon in comfy sweats watching VH1 drinking a Diet Mt. Dew thinking that I haven�t grown up at all. Still a workaholic while at work and a slacker at home. Still don�t shower on days when I refuse to leave the apartment. Still prefer to be barefoot whenever possible.

Still just the little red girl.

And since I am still that same girl, I ask for the same respect as always. Remember the disclaimer? Just your friendly reminder to respect my privacy � if you have figured out who I am fine. Just keep it to yourself and know that this is my space to babble on about nothing, everything, and you. Oh, and I watch where my readers come from� partially for demographics and partially to protect myself from former stalkers.

currently listening: VH1 on TV
currently reading: Anna Karenina by Tolstoy