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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Just Another Day
10 May 2003 @ 11:41 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

I hate flying. Actually, I hate flying alone. Tell me again why I still feel the need to do it? Maybe if I was flying on proper jets my opinion would differ.

Anyway, made it safe to the Parentals at House#1. Everything is so green and fresh down here. There are flowers everywhere, trees have the early leaves, grass is bright green. Such a stark difference between above and below the 45th parallel.

I got in late last night feeling just awful. I have been almost drug-free for the entirety of this silly cold (just one night on NyQuil. Shhhh. Don't tell). How many people today actually go without the aid of a decongestant or Tylenol through a common cold? I am craving a Claritin and a shot of NyQuil. But I can't have one. I have this appointment with the big-time allergy doc on Monday. I get to have my allergies tested AGAIN. That's right, full back-poking-itchy- "that turned red where?"-uncomfortable-"need to retest that one"-awful-test. This will be my third, possibly fourth, allergy test. The Parentals felt that it would be a great idea to get one last one done before I will no longer be covered by The Father's medical insurance.

This allergy doc and I have been tight since I was just a little girl with a red mop on her head. He helped me deal with the shots in my arms every week and the continuous pill-popping just so that I could breathe on a regular basis. The appointment will be interesting. If only I can suffer through this cold until then. . .

The Mother decided this morning that it was time for me to learn to hang wallpaper. Sure I am already a domestic goddess, but I have never hung new paper. So that's what I did all morning and afternoon - rewallpaper the bathroom. Turns out I'm pretty good at it. That and I can literally eye what is or isn't level. You'd think this would help make me attractive to a man. Well, maybe it will.

Hell, I even grilled brats out on the Weber this evening with Sis. In the rain too. Stupid weather getting in the way of me teaching her how to light a charcoal grill.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. My present to my Mother is my presence. She was exstatic tonight at dinner with the entire family together eating brats and salad on the back porch. It's definitly the simple things in life.

currently reading: The Rowan - Anne McCaffrey
currently listening: Prince - Purple Rain