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All Content and Code �2000-2006 by Red

Hosted by DiaryLand.

Nonobservant Comfort
14 September 2003 @ 9:32 p.m.
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com

The hindsight bias makes us think we knew things all along, or should have seen them all along. I wonder why I didn�t see things after this day. Because I should have. Or even that night in his kitchen.

Instead of seeing it then, I have what I have now. Everything from what became a close, open, fantastic friendship to the good food to the intellegent conversations we have over music and philosophy has led to what Chewba and I are at this exact moment.

Last night I fully realized the comfort and trust levels of our relationship. We both worked late yesterday � I at the theatre, him at the restaurant. No plans were made for the two of us prior to work, which is fairly typical for us now. Some of the other kids I work with were planning on going out for drinks after the show and invited me along. I accepted for a laid back night of bitching about the bosses and performers. Last night we had a fairly famous stand up comic and television sit-com star at the theatre. His show was fantastic � house was packed of laughing patrons. Thing was, this comic joined us for drinks and I was fortunate enough to be seated next to him at the bar.

I cannot express how utterly fantastic this was. And I have a photo to prove it.

Chewba showed up at the bar when he got off work, but there were no seats left near me and none of the kids would move. He doesn�t know many people I work with, but he stayed for one drink. Chewba wound up heading to a bar across the road as I sat and discussed muscle cars with Mr. Famous Comedian.

And this was fine. I didn�t realize it at the moment, but there were no feelings of contempt as we parted for the evening. None.

Right around last call, Mr. Famous Comedian and the rest of our group left, and I walked across the road to find Chewba. He was sitting there with some of our former bandmates and some fairly drunk random frat boys with a pint. We both stayed there for a while, then I drove us back here to my place where we stayed up talking far too late into the cold, damp night.

I should have been observant enough to see this coming; this warm, comfortable place created just for the two of us.

currently reading: -
currently listening: Compilation of A Perfect Circle albums from Chewba